21 years at the Palais (25/01/2025)

If you are reading this article, we don't need to introduce you to the event anymore.

Be ready for 8pm, cover up and plan something to share with the people there.

Please leave the place as spotless as possible.

If you would like to perform or help out, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you would like to take pictures during the evening, take the time to read these [recommendations] and be attentive during the evening, volunteers may ask you to move for your safety at any time.

This evening is entirely voluntary, so if you want to make a donation to support us, it's HERE ;)


Location: Palais de Tokyo pool

Free parking on the central reservation in front of the Palais entrance.

Tags: Actus

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