Bigoud'n'Jongle 2015 [15/05/15] (Rennes - France)

Drawing : La Carpette
The Bigoud’n’jongle
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This year Bigoud'n'Jongle juggling convention celebrates the "fall and gravity" to a dizzying 2015 edition, which will take place on 15, 16 and 17 May at the sports complex of Vezin-le-Coquet.
Teaser of the 2015 edition :
The "Bigoud'n 'Jongle" is a juggling convention which takes place at the sports complex of Vezin-le-Coquet, near Rennes (35). But what is a convention?
Conventions are gatherings of jugglers from all backgrounds, giving rise to all kinds of festive events and jonglistiques having much to entertain as to enable sharing of knowledge. Besides being always a time for celebration, conventions are, in the opinion of jugglers, the best way to learn. There are many conventions in France: Carvin near Lille, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Limoges, Poitiers ...
The Rennes 's Convention was created in 1999, organized by the association Jongle et Rit. The project was abandoned in 2004, before being taken by the same association in 2007, on this occasion the convention took the name of Bigoud'N Jongle. This is the 13th edition of this Convention.
This year the convention will take place on 15, 16 and 17 May 2013. For more information, please refer to the planning, rates, and practical informations. To book or learn more : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Facebook Event
Tags: Convention, Video, 2015, Juggling, Trailer, Rennes, Jongle et Rit