IJC 2015 [05/04/15] (Gan Hashlosha - Israel)

The Israeli juggling convention will take place in the beautiful Gan Hashlosha National Park, selected by Time Magazine as one of the top 20 tourist sites in the world. To the right is a map on which Gan Hashlosha national park is marked in red.

Public Transportation: First you need to get to Afula or Beit She’an using “Egged” lines 963 or 961 (from Jerusalem), 301 or 302 (from Haifa), or 825 (from Tel Aviv). From Afula or Beit She’an take line 412 to Gan Hashlosha.

Convention attendees are entitled to full access to all park facilities, including the natural rock pools, waterfalls, warm springs etc. So do not hesitate to bring along friends or family members who don’t juggle (yet!).

The park, the campsite, and the entire convention grounds are fenced, guarded and kept safe and secure day and night throughout the convention.

The focus of convention activity will be in the large gym and in the adjacent grassy meadow. Those coming by car need to park in the “Homa Umigdal” parking area (you will be directed there by the people at the gate of the park), cross the bridge over the stream and from there it is only a short walk to the clearly visible gym building, across the grassy camping hill. The distance from the parking area to the campsite/gym is about 250 meters.
There will be no possibility of entering the camping area or near the gym with a car.

IJC 2015Website : http://ijc.co.il/Convention/ijc22/about-the-ijc-convention/
Facebook Event : https://www.facebook.com/events/774717605957638/



Tags: Convention, 2015, Juggling, Israel

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