Stages avec Gail O'Brien [05/12/14] (Paris - France)
Gail O'Brien spécialement à Paris le 5 et 6 décembre 2014 !
Stage 1 :
Vendredi 5 décembre 18h30 - 20h
This workshop covers the ins and outs of flipping the hoop around your body. We will start with the basic wraps including escalators, circus wraps and coin spins and then look at incorporating, breaks, turns and movement. We will finally explore how to integrate these moves into moves we already know including rolls and isolations
Stage 2 :
Samedi 6 décembre 16h - 17h30
This workshop will unravel some of the tricks I have been working on that look crazy but are easy to break down. We will play with how we can learn a whole move and then dismantle it into smaller moves and create new combinations. We will look at both on body and off body tricks that are super fun and look fancy. You will come away with new moves to play with and new ways to break down and create tricks from the moves you already have.
Stage 3 :
Samedi 6 décembre 18h - 19h30
This workshop is exploring transitioning the hoop from the horizontal to the vertical plane it will cover a myriad of new tricks from circus flourishes to neck spins and weaves and how we can use the speed and timing of these tricks to help smooth out and creat new transitions. This workshop is designed to help new hoopers who only have a few moves and no idea how to string them together, professionals looking for new ways to move and create “flow” and everyone in between
Tarifs :
1 stage = 25€
2 stages = 50€
3 stages = 60€
Etant donné le nombre limité de places, seules les réservations payées à l'avance seront prises en compte !
Tous les paiements se feront auprès de Lila : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
Lieu :
Studio Bleu (Paris 20e !!) Hall 1
32, rue du Capitaine Marchal
75020 - Paris
Mots-clés: Hoop, Paris, Lila Chupa Hoops, Gail O'Brian, Stage